We have skills in all low voltage wiring and installation of 12 volt electrical systems. These include low voltage garden lighting, which can transform the look of your outdoor areas in the evening, low voltage water pumps for fish ponds and fountains and 12 volt sub floor fan installation for improved ventilation and air flow. We work with a local inner west electrician who can do any mains voltage electrical installation work required.
Use of low voltage fans, typically 12 volt d.c. butĀ also 24 v.d.c. can make creating relatively simple but effective sub floor ventilation systems. These systems can make a significant difference in the movement of air underneath old inner west Sydney homes that were built over clay soil and often retain a lot of moisture. Couple this with minimal venting for air and this creates a great environment for damp and mould growth. By installing small d.c. fans at several strategic points under a house you can generate some nice air movement that can help with mould issues.
The fans can be wired together and connected into a 100 watt 12 volt power supply that can, in turn, be automatically switched on and off by a simple 240 v.a.c. timer. This means that the fans can be set to run only during the day time so the ‘running noise’ of the fans will not be heard at night.
Conclusion: Use of low voltage fans and lights means that our handyman service can offer an extended range of services for our clients.